
Air Freight from China to Ujungpandang

To get latest price , pls send email to :petergc@yeah.net 

1,Air Freight from Guangzhou to Ujungpandang Airport,Ujungpandang,Indonesia

Departure Destination Transportation  Price(500kg)
Guangzhou Ujungpandang –days –USD/kg

2,Air Freight from Shenzhen to Ujungpandang Airport,Ujungpandang,Indonesia

Departure Destination Transportation  Price(500kg)
Shenzhen Ujungpandang 2-3days 2.12USD/KG

3,Air Freight from Hong Kong to Ujungpandang Airport,Ujungpandang,Indonesia

Departure Destination Transportation  Price(500kg)
Hong Kong Ujungpandang –days –USD/KG

Now only flights from Shenzhen to Ujungpandang provide service .

Please note that we also have many other flights for you to choose ,whether you want direct flights or slow flights , we’ll try our best to help you . If you want a door to door service , we also have advantage Express and Special line .   

Hope this helps.

Peter Gui    

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