

What is the airport code for Alferez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport ?
What is the ICAO code for Alferez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport ?
Airport Code AOP
What is the airport code for Alferez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport ?
What is the IATA code for Alferez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport ?
Airport Code AOP
Alferez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport  Code
Alferez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport  Code
Perú airport codes

Alferez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport 
Name Alferez FAP Alfredo Vladimir Sara Bauer Airport 
Country Perú
Latitude -2.7961299
Longitude -76.4665985
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